
Major Fixes and Changes

Python 3.10 Development Support

We updated the Genvid MILE SDK to install and use Python 3.10, by default. Although the SDK still supports Python 3.8, we recommend upgrading to Python 3.10.

Unity and Unreal Editor Plugin Deprecation

We are planning to deprecate the Editor plugins for both Unity and Unreal Engine.

In preparation for this change, we converted the Unreal Genvid Editor module into its own plugin and decoupled it from the GenvidPlugin. We also converted the Unreal Genvid module into its own plugin, now called Genvid Blueprint.

We will remove both the Unity and Unreal editor-module plugins in an upcoming release.

Use the Genvid MILE SDK web interface for the same streaming-service controls as the Editor plugins.

Unity and Unreal Plugin SDK Version Independence

You can now specify what SDK source to use when using either the Unity or Unreal plugins in your project.

For Unreal, you can set SDK directory paths using the engine-integration\ue4\copy-ue4-plugin.py script.

For Unity, you can use the new Genvid SDK Window in the editor to switch versions.

Minor Changes and Other Fixes

  • [toolbox] Upgraded Nomad from 1.2.4 to 1.3.5.

  • [toolbox] Upgraded Consul from 1.11.2 to 1.13.2.

  • [toolbox] Upgraded Vault from 1.9.3 to 1.11.3.

  • [toolbox] Upgraded Consul-Template from 0.27.1 to 0.29.2.

  • [toolbox] Removed the support for HCLv1 jobs within genvid.toolbox.BastionTool.SETUP_JOBS. See the Upgrade Notes for more information.

  • [toolbox] Added the command genvid-sdk sdk-version which returns the version of the SDK. This command supercedes the genvid-sdk version that returns the version of the genvid-toolbox.

  • [toolbox] Deprecated ROOTDIR and replaced it with GENVID_SDK_FOLDER and GENVID_TOOLBOX_FOLDER.

  • [toolbox] Deprecated setbasescript and setcurdir from genvid.toolbox.BaseTool.

  • [toolbox] Deprecated the CURDIR environment variable and its usage.

  • [toolbox] Added --ignore-requires-python to install-toolbox.py.

  • [aws] Fixed an issue where the GENVID_SERVICES_DATADIR was set prematurely when the wingame AMI was still being setup.

  • [aws] Added ENA optimization, volumes initialization, and jumbo frames to the wingame AMI.

  • [azure] Fixed an issue causing the wingame machine to not be registered on first boot by making sure scheduled tasks are run in the right order.

  • [azure] Added logging of user_data execution in C:\user_data.log.

  • [azure,aws] Added logging of scheduled tasks by sending their output to c:GenvidLogs.

  • [bastion] Corrected error causing the HTTP methods used for the Bastion REST Terraform Commands API kill and terminate to be declared as GET instead of POST in the OpenAPI definition.

  • [sdk] Updated the Genvid logo throughout the SDK and documentation.

  • [composed,gvencode] Fixed an issue causing streaming services to not restart.

  • [ue4-editor] Fixed a crash when closing the Unreal Engine editor.

  • [unity-plugin,sdk] Improved Unity plugin updates when updating the game. It no longer loses the Genvid configuration for audio, video, streams, events, and commands. The old Unity plugin is deprecated but still usable.

  • [web-sdk] Fixed an issue where the context of console.log was missing when being used.

  • [web-sdk] Fixed an issue causing both setInterval and clearInterval to be set to the same getConfig().window object.