
class genvid.toolbox.AWSTool(**kwargs)

Bases: genvid.toolbox.basetool.BaseTool

A set of utilities to access and manipulate cluster resources in AWS.

AMI_NAME_RE = re.compile('(?P<prefix>.*)-(?P<type>[^-]*)-(?P<version>[^-]*)-(?P<timestamp>\\d{8}-\\d{6})')

Regex to match an AMI.

AMI_NAME_TMPL = '{prefix}-{type}-{version}-{timestamp}'

Template of the AMI name.

DESCRIPTION = 'Utilities to access and manipulated AWS resources.'
NAME = 'aws'
aws_copy_ami(ami_id, regions, public=False, force=False)

Copy an ami identified by ami_id, to different regions. The AMI tags will be copied. If public is set to True, all ami (including the src ami) will be made public.


A default EC2 resource.

aws_list_amis(ami_type: str, owner: str = '', prefix: str = '', version: str = '')

List the available AMIs.

  • ami_type (str) – The type of ami. Can be wingame or server.
  • owner (str) – If provided, filter by owner. The value genvidtech is a special aliases for Genvid Technologies Account.
  • prefix (str) – prefix to filter. Can be ‘*’. If None, will it be either default for the Wingame AMI, or genvidtech otherwise.
  • version (str) – Version to filter. Default to GENVID_TOOLBOX_VERSION

A list of EC2 Images.

static aws_publish_image(ami)

Make the AMI public.

aws_rename_ami(ami_id, prefix, public=False, force=False)

Copy an ami and change its initial prefix.

The name must match the AMI_NAME_RE and will be format with the AMI_NAME_TMPL. The AMI will be made public if public is True.

aws_tag_ami_snapshot(ami, ec2=None)

Tag the AMI Snapshots with the same tags as the AMI.

The tags copied are the Name, Version and InstanceType.

generate_rsa_keypair(length: int)

Generate a RSA’s key pair.

Parameters:length – The length of the RSA key.
Returns:A tuple of the private key in PEM format, and the public key in OpenSSH format.