

This is the first version of our support for metrics. Future versions are likely to change and create some incompatibilities.

Genvid services are configured to publish metrics in the Datadog’s extended statsd format via UDP port 8125. You can override this setting in the game by specifying the GENVID_STATSD_URL.

In addition to metrics coming from Nomad, Consul, and Vault, our services provide the following metrics:

Table 1 Genvid Specific Metrics
name type possible tags description
genvid.sdk.framesent counter stream, streamtype Number of frames sent by the SDK
genvid.sdk.framesize counter stream, streamtype Size in bytes of frames sent by the SDK
genvid.compose. frontend.framereceived counter stream, streamtype sessionid Number of frames received
genvid.compose. frontend. framesizereceived counter stream, streamtype sessionid Size in bytes of frames received
genvid.compose. frontend. framemissed counter stream, streamtype sessionname Number of frames created by compose
genvid.compose. backend. framesent counter stream, streamtype Number of frames sent to gvencode
genvid.compose. backend. framesizesent counter stream, streamtype Size in bytes of frames send to gvencode
genvid.compose. gameframes. framesent counter stream, streamtype Number of frames sent to replication nodes
genvid.compose. gameframes. framesizesent counter stream, streamtype Size in bytes of frames sent to replication nodes
genvid.compose. gameframes. framedropped counter stream, streamtype Number of frames rejected

These are the available tags:

stream: The id of the stream (string).

streamtype: The type of the stream: video, audio, data, or annotations.