Upgrade Instructions

Upgrading the Genvid SDK from one version to another may include some manual steps. This page includes any steps required to update to version 1.15.0 from the last version. If you’re upgrading an older version of the SDK, start with any special upgrade instructions for your version found here.

Upgrading the local installation


Genvid SDK 1.14.0 contains a new version of Consul. This new version requires special care to upgrade from the previous version. Please follow the instructions under Upgrade Bastion before continuing.

To set up the new SDK locally:

  1. Install the new SDK.
  2. Run the script install-toolbox.py from the new SDK.
  3. Run genvid-bastion reinstall --reconfigure -b mybastion -uml to update your bastion.

Updating your game

To update your game without applying new features, just replace the old genvid.dll from the previous SDK with the one from the new SDK. The old plugins and integration should work as-is, with the exception of the specific upgrade instructions below.


Always follow the full upgrade path for the Genvid SDK version you’re using. For example: If you’re upgrading from version 1.6.0 to 1.10.0, start by upgrading from 1.6.0 to 1.7.0 then continue with each version.

See the full list of upgrade instructions for your specific version.

Upgrading your cluster

We strongly recommend keeping your old clusters as-is and creating a new one for the update.

To create a new cluster, follow the standard instructions:

  1. Set up a new wingame AMI that matches the new version.
  2. Create new clusters.

Once you have replaced all your clusters, you can remove the old SDK repositories from the Modules Section page.

Upgrading an existing cluster


Upgrading your cluster can replace all your instances and even erase your current configuration. We recommend not upgrading a live cluster. If you do, carefully check the changes before applying the plan.

You can update the module used to build your cluster by clicking on Modify/Reimport Module in the module section of your cluster infrastructure, then select the module new version and import it. Finally, click apply in the Terraform section.


Some changes can take time to propagate to AWS. This is especially true for IAM roles and policies, which could then create some conflicts when recreated. Re-applying the Terraform plan should fix the problem.