Unreal Engine 4 Genvid Installation

The Genvid Integration for Unreal Engine 4 is composed of 3 components:

All those elements are optional to integrate with Genvid. You can avoid using the Blueprint if you prefer direct C++ programmation with Genvid Module, just use the low-level integration with the Genvid Plugin, or even write your own integration of the Genvid SDK. They are just there to help you do the ground work and get you start integrating with Genvid faster.

Installation into the game folder

To install the plugin, you just need to copy them into your game directory (for example, UE4ROOT/MyGame). The Genvid Plugin goes under UE4ROOT/MyGame/Plugins and the Genvid Module goes under UE4ROOT/MyGame/Source. They could also go under the Engine directory, but we don’t recommend it for a faster recompilation (the Unreal Engine have no direct use of it).

You also need to copy the Genvid Native API files to the following location:

The header file of the Genvid Native SDK, declaring all of the functions and types.
The 64-bit import library used when linking. Requires associated Genvid.dll at runtime.
The 64-bit shared library used at runtime.
The 32-bit import library used when linking. Requires associated Genvid.dll at runtime.
The 32-bit shared library used at runtime.

To help you with that, we provide a python script that allow you to copy all the files easily. Just run the following:

py copy-ue4-plugin.py checkout {UE4ROOT}/MyGame

It will copy all the file at once. A --dry-run option is available if you want to see what the script do before running it. See copy-ue4-plugin.py for more information.

Once all the files are copied, you need to modify your game’s build script to use the plugin. This is done by simply adding the following lines:


to your game’s build script (e.g. UE4_PROJ_ROOT/MyGame/Source/MyGame/MyGame.Build.cs).

Once that is done, rerun GenerateProjectFiles.bat, and you should have access to the Genvid Module.