Unreal Engine 4 Genvid Blueprint

Preparation for your game

To simplify the Genvid SDK integration into your Unreal project, you can now create a Blueprint class directly from the editor. The Blueprint parent class needs to be derived from UGenvidStreamer.

Once you have created your Blueprint asset, you can start by placing the blueprint events needed for your project into the Unreal Editor. In the all Actions for this Blueprint contextual menu type Add event Genvid to see the events available from the Genvid SDK.



The event BeginPlay() is mandatory because you need to call the Startup() function to load the Genvid module and create your streams, events and commands. All the other events are there to simplify the integration with your game. Also, you will probably need to use at least one of the available callback if you want some interactions.

After placing all events and callbacks needed for your project, you should have a skeleton looking like the image just below.


At this point, the skeleton is done. You can now setup the streams you want to manage in the Blueprint.

As you can see in the animation just below, you can add your own Stream/Event/Command Ids. Also, make sure to set the streaming tick interval variable to a better value if you don’t want to be in sync with the frame rate.


Now you are ready to start the management of your Streams, Events and Commands. Start by creating a function for each Events and Callbacks accessible from Blueprint. Here is an example of what it should look like.


In BeginPlay(), you can now call the Startup() function to create your Streams and subscribe to your Events and Commands.

At this point you’re ready to send GameDatas, Annotations and Notifications. Take a look at the BP_GenvidConnector.uasset used in the UnrealTournament demo to see an advanced example of Blueprint with Genvid.