
A basic but complete Azure cluster infrastructure to use with our DirectX sample.


  • azurerm


cluster (string)

Name of your cluster

trusted_cidr (string)

CIDR to be trusted. This should at least contain the external CIDR (<ip>/32) for the local machine. Otherwise, the provision and access to Consul/Nomad will fail.

admin_password (string)

Administrative password for the game machine. That password must respect default windows password complexity.

azs (list(number))

Enables multi-AZ, which automatically spans VMs across given availability zones. Enabling this forces VMs to be rebuilt, due to their locations changing. An empty list disables multi-AZ. Options are 1, 2, 3.

datacenter (string)

Consul/Nomad datacenter

domain_name (string)

You can use a pre-created domain in Azure or any other registrar.

gateway_autoscaling_limits (list(number))

Specify the minimum and maximum number of instance for Application Gateway autoscaler. Note: This only affects the Application Gateway, and does not change the number of instances of other resources in the cluster.

instance_encoding_count (number)

Number of internal workers to spawn.

instance_encoding_type (string)

Type of Virtual Network to use for encoding servers.

instance_game_count (number)

Number of game instances to spawn.

instance_game_type (string)

Type of Virtual Network to use for game servers.

instance_internal_count (number)

Number of internal workers to spawn.

instance_internal_type (string)

Type of Virtual Network to use for internal servers.

instance_public_count (number)

Number of public workers to spawn.

instance_public_type (string)

Type of Virtual Network to use for public servers.

instance_server_count (number)

the number of supervisor servers. Must be an odd number. #It is usually 3 for production deployment.

instance_server_type (string)

Type of Virtual Network instance to use for admin servers.

leaf_port (number)

Port that Leaf service is configured to listen on.

leaf_ssl_certificate_password (string)

If you provided an ssl certificate for the leaf subdomain, provide the password. Your certificate MUST have a password.

leaf_ssl_certificate_path (string)

Path to a valid ssl certificate for the leaf subdomain on your domain. If you provided a wildcard ssl certificate, you do not need to provide this.

The leaf certificate should generated for leaf.your_subdomain.your_domain.

Accepted formats are .pfx and .pem.

leaf_stickiness_ttl (number)

Set the Leaf target group stickiness timeout.

leaf_tg_stickiness_enabled (bool)

Set the Leaf target group stickiness enabled or disabled.

location (string)

Azure deployment location

namespace (string)

Deployment namespace that will regroup the clusters

parent_domain_resource_group (string)

The name of the resource group that the domain is registered in.

shared_gallery_image_version (string)

SDK Shared Image version, should be only one per Genvid SDK.

shared_gallery_name (string)

Shared Gallery Name.

shared_gallery_resource_group_name (string)

Shared Gallery Resource Group Name.

stage (string)

Deployment stage

toolbox_location (string)

Genvid Toolbox Wheel file. Only required if you need to update the one from the SDK. An empty value indicates to not install the toolbox.

trusted_cidrs (list(string))

A list of CIDR to be trusted.

trusted_security_groups (list(string))

A list of security groups to be trusted.

ttl_leaf_hostname (number)

TTL information of the leaf endpoint in the A record of the main domain.

ttl_web_hostname (number)

TTL information of the web endpoint in the A record of the main domain.

web_health_check_path (string)

Health check path for Web service. It should match the path defined in the web.nomad.tmpl.

web_port (number)

Port that Web service is configured to listen on.

web_ssl_certificate_password (string)

If you provided an ssl certificate for the web subdomain, provide the password. Your certificate MUST have a password.

web_ssl_certificate_path (string)

Path to a valid ssl certificate for the web subdomain on your domain. If you provided a wildcard ssl certificate, you do not need to provide this.

The web certificate should generated for web.your_subdomain.your_domain.

Accepted formats are .pfx and .pem.

web_stickiness_ttl (number)

Set the Web target group stickiness timeout.

web_tg_stickiness_enabled (bool)

Set the Web target group stickiness enabled or disabled.

wildcard_ssl_certificate_password (string)

If you provided a wildcard certificate, provide the password. Your certificate MUST have a password.

wildcard_ssl_certificate_path (string)

If you have a wildcard ssl certificate, provide the path to it here. With a wildcard certificate, you do not need to provide individual certificates for the leaf and web subdomains.

The wildcard certificate should generated for *.your_subdomain.your_domain.

Accepted formats are .pfx and .pem.

wingame_image_prefix (string)

Prefix of the wingame image.



Admin user name


Cloud provider used


The domain name that is used


List of ‘encoding’ workers public ips


The leaf listener of the load balancer (application gateway)


The web listener of the load balancer (application gateway)


Game workers admin password


Game VMs instances IDs


Azure locations where the game VMs have been instantiated


Game VMs instances names


List of ‘game’ workers public ips


List of ‘internal’ workers public ips


Port that leaf service is configured to listen on


Private key to access the instances


List of ‘public’ workers public ips


The resource group name in which the genvid cluster has been instantiated


List of ‘server’ public ips


Health check path for Web service. It should match the path defined in the web.nomad.tmpl.


Port that web service is configured to listen on