
See also

The Cloud Environment - First Steps for a guide on how to setup your Windows AMI using this script.

Initial setup for Genvid Windows Game AMI.

usage: genvid-ami [-h] [--loglevel {DEBUG,INFO,WARNING,ERROR}]
                  [--logformat LOGFORMAT]
                  {clean,copy,delete,list,output,rename,save,setup} ...

Positional Arguments

command Possible choices: clean, copy, delete, list, output, rename, save, setup

Named Arguments


Possible choices: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR

Set the script log level

--logformat Set the script log format



Uninstall services.

genvid-ami clean [-h] [-f] cluster_id

Positional Arguments

cluster_id The cluster ID.

Named Arguments

-f, --force

Force delete the cluster.

Default: False


Copy an AMI across AWS regions.

genvid-ami copy [-h] [--region REGION] [--public] srcami regions [regions ...]

Positional Arguments

srcami The ID of the source AMI.
regions The region to copy the AMI.

Named Arguments

--region The region of the source AMI.

Make the new AMI public.

Default: False


Delete the AMIs and their EBS snapshots.

New in version 1.13.0.

genvid-ami delete [-h] [-r REGION] [-n] ids [ids ...]

Positional Arguments

ids Ids of the AMI to delete.

Named Arguments

-r, --region The region of the AMIs.
-n, --dryrun

Don’t actually delete the AMIs, just log what would be done.

Default: False


List available AMI.

Changed in version 1.13.0: Added --region argument.

genvid-ami list [-h] [--region REGION] [--version VERSION] [--prefix PREFIX]
                [--owner OWNER] [--output OUTPUT]

Positional Arguments


Possible choices: wingame, server

The type of AMI.

Named Arguments

--region The region of the source AMI.

The version to check (“”).

Default: “”


The prefix to look for. (default depends on type)

Default: “”


The owner of the ami (“self”).

Default: “self”


The formatted output of each AMI. Will be used as a template over the AMI object (passed as argument ami). (“{}”)

Default: “{}”


Return the output of the cluster state.

genvid-ami output [-h] cluster_id [name]

Positional Arguments

cluster_id The cluster ID.

An optional variable name. Outputs everything otherwise.

Default: “”


Copy a Windows AMI from one prefix to another.

genvid-ami rename [-h] [--region REGION] [--public] srcami dstprefix

Positional Arguments

srcami The ID of the source AMI.
dstprefix The prefix of the destination AMI.

Named Arguments

--region The region of the source AMI.

Make the new AMI public.

Default: False


Create the game AMI

genvid-ami save [-h] [--prefix PREFIX] cluster_id

Positional Arguments

cluster_id The cluster ID.

Named Arguments


Prefix to save the AMI under.

Default: “default”


Initialize a new game instance on AWS.

Changed in version 1.14.0: Added --module argument.

genvid-ami setup [-h] [--az AZ] [--tfvars TFVARS] [--plan] [--module MODULE]
                 [-t TIMEOUT] [--ami-version AMI_VERSION] [--region REGION]

Positional Arguments

cluster_id The cluster ID.

Named Arguments

--az Availability zone to use. Use the default settings if None are specified.
--tfvars A default .tfvars file to set the cluster.

Only plan the action.

Default: False


The name of the module to use (“SDK-1.23.0/basic/setup-ami”).

Default: “SDK-1.23.0/basic/setup-ami”

-t, --timeout

Timeout in minutes for the setup (60).

Default: 60

--ami-version Version to use for the AMI.
--region The region where the VM will be created to initialize the AMI.