
class genvid.toolbox.BaseTool(logname=None, command_option_name='command', **kwargs)

Bases: object

Base class for all tools.

This class sets up and provides basic functionalities to all other tools. In particular, it handles the main() and get_parser() methods. See add_commands(), add_command() and run_command() for more details.

Please, note that most attributes of this class aren’t initialized properly before instantiation.

NAME = None

The name of the logger for this tool. Must be redefined in children.


A description of the tool, used in the help parser. Must be redefined in children.


The set of environment variables used by all tools.

The list is updated each time setdefault() is called. It is used by env() and print_env().

MODE_0600 = 384

User RW file permissions.

MODE_0644 = 420

User RW, Group and Other Read file permissions.

MODE_0700 = 448

User RWX file permissions.

MODE_0755 = 493

User RWX and Group and Other RX file permissions.

RE_VERSION_MATCH = re.compile('(?P<version>(\\d+).(\\d+).(\\d+).(\\d+))')
static setcurdir(path: str)

Set CURDIR if not already set.

static setrootdir(path: str)

Set ROOTDIR if not already set.

static setbasescript(path: str)

Set CURDIR to path, and set ROOTDIR to its parent, if not already set.

If you want to set the ROOTDIR to a different path, you must call setrootdir first.

static setdefault(name: str, value: str)

Set an environment variable named name to value if not already set and returns its value.

static delenv(name: str)
run(*args, check=True, **kwargs)

Wrapper around that passes all arguments in args and sets the default value of check to True.

For convenience, all arguments are converted to string (using str).

Changed in version 1.15.0: It’s now a method instead of staticmethod.

shrun(cmdline: str, shell=True, check=True, **kwargs)

Wrapper around that pass the cmdline directly, set the default value of check and shell to True.

Changed in version 1.15.0: It’s now a method instead of staticmethod.

pyrun(*args, **kwargs)

Run a python script using the current python version.

This is roughly equivalent to:

run("python", *args, **kwargs)

Unlink a file only if it exists.

Changed in version 1.12.0: Now allow a pathlib.Path too as argument.

static rmtree(directory: pathlib.Path, ignore_errors: bool = False, onerror=<staticmethod object>)

Equivalent to shutil.rmtree() but symlink-aware on Windows.

    Changed in version 1.20.1:
  • The onerror handling method is now given a default handler which will retry deleting a file for 60 seconds, using 5 seconds intervals between attempts, before raising an exception.

static remove_readonly(func, path, excinfo)

Helper for rmtree() to help remove read-only files on Windows.

install_file(src: typing.Union[str, pathlib.Path], dst: typing.Union[str, pathlib.Path], mode=420, uid=-1, gid=-1, backup=False)

Copy a file src to dst, and change its permissions.

  • src – The file to be copied.
  • dst – The destination of the copy.
  • mode – The permission of the destination.
  • uid – The user ID of the destination. If -1, uses the user ID of the process.
  • gid – The GID of the destination. If -1, uses the uid.
  • backup – Backup the file, adding a ~ at the end of the filename.

Changed in version 1.16.0: Make it a non-staticmethod and add the backup argument.

install_tmp_file(dest: typing.Union[str, pathlib.Path], data: bytes, **kwargs)

Write data to a temporary file and copy it to dst.

The installation is done using install_file().

  • dest – The destination of the content.
  • data – The data to write to write into the file.

Changed in version 1.16.0: Now a non-staticmethod

install_json(dest: typing.Union[str, pathlib.Path], config, **kwargs)

Dump config as a JSON file and copy it to destination.

  • dest – The destination of the content.
  • data – The data to write to write into the file as JSON.

Changed in version 1.16.0: Now a non-staticmethod

static env()

Return the list of used environment variables and their values.

The list of variables to return is taken from ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLES.

static print_env()

Print the list of environment variables used and their values.

The list of variables to return is taken from ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLES.

logger = None

The logger for the tool.


Name of the current platform.

Could be either linux or windows for now.

HOME = None

A mirror of HOME containing the user home directory name.

Taken from environment variable or os.path.expanduser().


A mirror of PYTHON_EXECUTABLE containing the current python executable by default.

Taken from the environment or sys.executable if not set.


A mirror of GENVID_BASTION_URL representing the bastion-api URL.


A mirror of CURDIR containing the current script directory path if set correctly, or the current working directory by default.

Warning: This variable is not very reliable. Try to avoid using it.


A mirror of GENVID_TOOLBOX_VERSION containing the currently installed toolbox version.

Warning: This variable shouldn’t be overriden.



If the value is 1 the full exception trace is going to be displayed. Otherwise, it will be condensed to a one-liner.


A mirror of AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT. Name of the Azure Storage Account to access. Look in Azure Portal to access the correct name.


A mirror of AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP. Name of the Azure Resource Group to access.


A mirror of ROOTDIR which is the root of the project.


A mirror of BINDIR containing the folder where the binaries of the project are stored.


Where the images are saved for this SDK.

Changed in version 1.20.0: Move the variable from DockerTool.


The name used for the command arguments on the command line.

See add_command() for more details.


A mirror of GENVID_TOOLBOX_LOGLEVEL that set the logger level in toolbox.


A mirror of GENVID_TOOLBOX_LOGFORMAT that set the logger formatter in toolbox.


A mirror of GENVID_CLUSTER_ID that indicates to the toolbox what cluster id to use.

commands = None

A dictionary of the parser for each command.

See add_command() for more details.

subparsers = None

The subparsers object from the argparse module used for all commands.

See add_commands() for more details.

parser = None

The current parser for this tool.

See add_commands() for more details.

which(exe, path=None)

Return the full path of the executable that would be run with exe.

If path is include, it will be used for the check. Otherwise, the BINDIR is checked first.

Raises:ExecutableNotInPathError if the file doesn’t exist.
run_powershell(*cmds: str, interactive: bool = False, noprofile: bool = False, **kwargs)

Run cmds as a powershell script.

  • cmds – A list of powershell commands to execute.
  • interactive – If the command is interactive.
  • noprofile – Don’t load a profile.
  • kwargs – Other keyword arguments to pass to the parser for this run().
run_elevated_win32(*args, **kwargs)

Run the command using elevated privileges on Windows.

run_elevated(*args, **kwargs)

Run the command using elevated privileges on Windows.


Default kill signal.

Default to signal.SIGKILL on UNIX, and signal.CTRL_BREAK_EVENT on Windows.

New in version 1.15.0.

send_signal(proc: typing.Union[int, psutil.Process], sig: int = None)

Send a signal to a process.

  • proc – The process. Could be the process PID or an instance of psutil.Process.
  • sig – The signal to send. Default to KILL_SIGNAL.

New in version 1.15.0.

kill_process(proc: typing.Union[int, psutil.Process])

Kill a process.

Force kill a process by sending a SIGKILL or call TerminateProcess.

Parameters:proc – The process. Could be the process PID or an instance of psutil.Process.

New in version 1.15.0.

kill_process_tree(proc: typing.Union[int, psutil.Process], timeout: float = 15.0) → typing.List[psutil.Process]

Kill a process tree by sending SIGTERM/CTRL_BREAK_EVENT first, and then by pushing a SIGKILL/Terminate on all children.

  • proc – The process. Could be the process PID or an instance of psutil.Process.
  • timeout – Timeout to wait for the process to finish (in seconds).

List of processes still alive.

New in version 1.15.0.

    Changed in version 1.20.1:
  • Changed default timeout value to 15 seconds.

  • Children of children are now recursively killed.

run_daemon(*args: str, **kwargs)

Run the process in background.

  • args – The command to run.
  • stdout – The output file for stdout.
  • stderr – The output file for stderr.
  • cwd – The current working directory.
  • env – The environment to use.
  • pidfile – The pidfile to save the PID of the process.

Add commands for the tool.

This method must be overridden. It allows the child class to add new commands using add_commands(). The list of all existing commands and their parsers are available from commands.

add_command(name: str, description: str, **kwargs)

Add a new command to the tool.

The command will be added to the list of commands.

  • name – The name of the command.
  • description – Help for the command.
  • kwargs – Other keyword arguments to pass to the parser for this tool subparsers.

A command parser.


AssertionError if name already exists as a command.

run_base_command(command, options)
get_parser(subparsers=None, name=None, description=None, fromfile_prefix_chars='@', **kwargs)

Returns the parser for the tool.

  • subparsers – Custom subparsers to use.
  • name – The name of the tool (defaults to NAME).
  • description – The description of the tool (defaults to DESCRIPTION).
  • fromfile_prefix_chars – The set of characters that prefix files from which additional arguments should be read.
  • kwargs – Other keyword arguments to pass to the parser for this argparse.ArgumentParser factory.

The parser for this tool.

Changed in version 1.13.0: New default for fromfile_prefix_chars to ‘@’. Pass None to switch to old behaviour (which is None).

run_command(command, options)

Run command with those options.

You must override this method.

  • command – The name of the command to run.
  • options – A argparse.Namespace object with the options pass in arguments.
main(options=None, *, profile=None)

Run the tool.

If options is None, it will obtained from the command line arguments. Otherwise, it must be either a namespace object or a dictionary.

Parameters:profile – Profile instance if profiles are used.
get_files(srcdir: pathlib.Path)

Get all files (but not folders) under srcdir.

Equivalent to srcdir.rglob(“*”) but with folder filtered out.

Parameters:srcdir – The folder to check for new files.
Returns:an iterator of Path objects.
copy_files(srcdir: pathlib.Path, dstdir: pathlib.Path, files: typing.List[typing.Union[str, pathlib.Path]], dryrun=False)

Copy all files in files``from ``srcdir to dstdir.

  • srcdir – the base folder of the original files.
  • dstdir – the destination folder of the files.
  • files – a list of files to copy.
  • dryrun – If true, will only log the result, without doing the copy.
safe_print(text: str, fileobj=<colorama.ansitowin32.StreamWrapper object>, errors='backslashreplace')

Print a value safely to fileobj.

fileobj must have an encoding member as well as a buffer member with a write method that accept bytes.

  • text – The text to print.
  • fileobj – The fileobj to print to.
  • errors – The error handling strategy. See str.encode() for the possible values.
class basetool.BaseTool

Implementation of genvid.toolbox.BaseTool