
An Azure Windows instance setup for running a game.


  • azurerm
  • random
  • template


cluster (string)

Unique name to avoid conflict

consul_address (list(string))

Consul server address

datacenter (string)

Consul/Nomad datacenter

location (string)

Specifies the Azure Region where the Virtual Machine exists. Changing this forces a new resource to be created.

namespace (string)

Deployment namespace that will regroup the clusters

network_security_group_id (string)

Id of the security group

network_subnet_id (string)

Id of the subnet

resource_group_name (string)

Azure resource group name

server_class (string)

The type of work the server has to be initialized for

source_image_id (string)

Azure Image to use for this instance

stage (string)

Deployment stage

vm_size (string)

The type of EC2 instance to use

admin_username (string)

SSH username

server_count (number)

Number of servers to instantiate

shared_gallery_image_version (string)

SDK Shared Image version, should be only one per Genvid SDK

shared_gallery_name (string)

Shared Galery Name

start_services (bool)

Start services

toolbox_url (string)

Genvid Toolbox Wheel URL.

Only required if you need to update the one from the AMI. An empty value indicates to not install the toolbox.

