Development Environment Setup

How you set up your development environment changes depending on what phase of development you’re in. A fully-local setup is all you need for initial work, while full testing and release require a cloud-based setup.

See Extensions Life-Cycle Management for more detail about the various stages of extension development.

Environment Configurations

When working on a Genvid SDK Twitch extension, there are three main phases of development that require changes to the environment you work in:

The following table describes the differences between these development environments.

Twitch Dev Mode Cluster Mode Description
Twitch Developer Rig and Extension in Local Mode
Local Bastion
Local Cluster
You stream to your Twitch account and you develop in the Twitch Developer Rig locally.
No SSL required.
Twitch Extension in Hosted Test
Local Bastion
Remote Cluster
You stream to your Twitch account and host your asset files on Twitch.
Requires CORS/SSL for your backend.
Twitch Extension Released
Local Bastion
Remote Cluster
You stream to your Twitch account.
Requires CORS/SSL for your backend.
Better scalability.

Local Development (Local Bastion / Local Cluster)

See Start a Local Cluster for information on setting up a local cluster.

After setting up your local cluster, there are some additional steps required to configure your environment for developing Twitch Extensions. You need to:

  • Specify that you want to use the Twitch Streaming Service.

  • Send your stream to the Twitch Ingest Service (Twitch).

  • Specify your Twitch Channel ID and Stream Key so you can stream

    to your account. (You can find these in your Twitch Account.)

You can set all these configuration details using the stream.hcl file located in the config folder. The following table includes all the variables you need to change.

Environment Variable Description
TWITCH_EXT_CHANNEL Your Twitch channel name (username).
TWITCH_EXT_KEY Your Twitch account key (located under your ad dashboard and channels).
TWITCH_SSL false if in local test (Twitch), true if in Hosted Test (or live).
ENDPOINT If using a cloud cluster, the DNS URL (without specifying the protocol http/https). This value will be populated automatically.
TWITCH_EXT_SECRET Secret key in your Twitch Extension Application, required for server-side JWT decoding. (Command API)

Once you update your file, you need to load it into your cluster configuration. For the Tutorial Sample, we do that with the script.

py load

Hosted Test (Local Bastion / Remote Cluster)

See Terraform Sample for Twitch Extensions for information on setting up a remote cluster.

Once you’ve set up your remote cluster, you also need to:

  • Configure your web backend to use CORS.
  • Provide an SSL certificate to your web backend.

Extension Release (Production) (Local Bastion / Remote Cluster)

See Terraform Sample for Twitch Extensions for information on setting up a remote cluster.

Once you’ve set up your remote cluster, you also need to:

  • Configure your web backend to use CORS.
  • Provide an SSL certificate to your web backend.

The release version of your Twitch extension needs to be built for scalability. This means that:

  • Your API calls from your extension to the Twtich API are efficient,
  • Your API calls to your web backend are efficient, and
  • Your infrastructure is scalable.