
Manage the local bastion cluster.

The script installs the supervisor services under GENVID_SERVICES_DATADIR (defaults to ~/.genvid) and sets up a bastion-api service on top of them, using the installation directory.

usage: genvid-bastion [-h] [--loglevel {DEBUG,INFO,WARNING,ERROR}]

Positional Arguments

command Possible choices: clean, env, install, load-bastion-config, log, monitor, open, reinstall, restart, setup, start, status, stop, uninstall, update-global-tfvars

Named Arguments


Possible choices: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR

Set the script log level



Deprecated. An alias for uninstall --clean.

genvid-bastion clean [-h]


Print the environment variable used by the script.

genvid-bastion env [-h]


Install and set up the services.

Changed in version 1.13.0: The –update-global-tfvars no longer updates the toolbox variable. Instead, it updates the toolbox_location variable only if present.

genvid-bastion install [-h] [-m] [-l] [-u]

Named Arguments

-m, --checkmodules

Install the modules and update them

Default: False

-l, --loadconfig

Load the default bastion configuration

Default: False

-u, --update-global-tfvars

Update the global terraform variable values.

Default: False


Load default bastion config. This includes the jobs and logs

genvid-bastion load-bastion-config [-h]


Return the specific log for a task.

genvid-bastion log [-h] [-t] [-n LINES] [-f]

Positional Arguments

task Possible choices: bastion-api, cluster-api, consul, hashi-ui, nomad, vault

Named Arguments

-t, --tail

Only show the last line.

Default: False

-n, --lines

The number of lines to tail (10).

Default: 10

-f, --follow

Wait for additional content at the end of file.

Default: False


Open the monitor application in a webbrowser.

genvid-bastion monitor [-h]


Open a link in a webbrowser or list the link available.

genvid-bastion open [-h] [link]

Positional Arguments

link Name of the link


Stop all services and reinstall them.

Changed in version 1.13.0: The –update-global-tfvars no longer updates the toolbox variable. Instead, it updates the toolbox_location variable only if present.

genvid-bastion reinstall [-h] [-c] [-f] [-d] [-m] [-l] [-u]

Named Arguments

-c, --clean

Clean the installation.

Default: False

-f, --force

Force deinstallation.

Default: False

-d, --destroy

Destroy existing clusters.

Default: False

-m, --checkmodules

Install the modules and update them

Default: False

-l, --loadconfig

Load the default bastion configuration

Default: False

-u, --update-global-tfvars

Update the global terraform variable values.

Default: False


Restart the services.

Changed in version 1.13.0: The –jobs-only option restarts only the jobs.

genvid-bastion restart [-h] [-j] [jobs [jobs ...]]

Positional Arguments


Named Arguments

-j, --jobs-only

Only stops the jobs

Default: False


Deprecated. An alias for install --checkmodules.

genvid-bastion setup [-h]


Start the services.

Changed in version 1.13.0: The –jobs-only option starts only the jobs.

genvid-bastion start [-h] [-j] [jobs [jobs ...]]

Positional Arguments


Named Arguments

-j, --jobs-only

Only stops the jobs

Default: False


Give a status.

genvid-bastion status [-h]


Stop the services.

Changed in version 1.13.0: The –jobs-only option stops only the jobs.

genvid-bastion stop [-h] [-j] [jobs [jobs ...]]

Positional Arguments


Named Arguments

-j, --jobs-only

Only stops the jobs

Default: False


Stop and uninstall the services.

genvid-bastion uninstall [-h] [-c] [-f] [-d]

Named Arguments

-c, --clean

Clean the installation.

Default: False

-f, --force

Force deinstallation.

Default: False

-d, --destroy

Destroy existing clusters.

Default: False


Update the global variables with your current settings.

This update the Global TFVars with your current external IP and the current toolbox.

Changed in version 1.13.0: The toolbox variable is no longer updated. It is replaced by a toolbox_location variable that is updated only if present.

genvid-bastion update-global-tfvars [-h]