Unity prefab for the Genvid SDK


This feature is currently in beta. The prefab is fully functional, but we expect to make some changes in the future to improve the user experience. Your feedback on this process is welcome.

For an even easier integration of the Genvid SDK into Unity, we created a prefab to easily integrate the SDK into your project.

This section covers documentation related to the use of the prefab with a description for each files available and a step by step description on how to use these properly.

Note that the prefab only works if you have the files needed indicated in the Unity sample project: Genvid.dll, GenvidPlugin.dll and GenvidSDKCSharp.dll. If you need more information about these files, please go to the section Files needed.

  1. Files included in the prefab
  2. Genvid Session Manager - Initialization
  3. Genvid Session - Session management
  4. Genvid Video - How to handle the video stream
  5. Genvid Audio - How to handle the audio stream
  6. Genvid Streams - How to handle the data streams
  7. Genvid Events - How to handle the events
  8. Genvid Commands - How to handle the commands
Genvid prefab tree

Files included in the prefab

All the files included in the prefab are below. You can use the game object to drag and drop on your scene or directly use the script if you prefer. Note that for the sake of simplicity, only the prefab files are listed, but the script file attached to each prefab is available in prefabsPackage/prefabsPackage/Scripts.

  • This object is used to manage the GenvidSession associated to it.


  • This object is used to manage the Audio stream, Video stream, Data streams, Events and Commands associated to it.


  • This object is used to manage a video stream.


  • This object is used to manage an audio stream.


  • This object is used to manage a data stream.


  • This object is used to manage events.


  • This object is used to manage commands.


Genvid Session Manager - Initialization

The initialization object of the prefab. You will need to have this object placed on the scene with the Activate SDK selected to have the Genvid SDK activated when starting the game. This object contains various properties that can be activated depending on your needs:

Activate SDK

This allows you to quickly activate/deactivate the Genvid SDK. Any prefab object on the scene will find the Genvid Session Manager and verify that it is active.

Auto Initialize

When checked, this option performs the initialize process for the Genvid SDK when starting the application (Awake). This needs to be done once in your application if you want to activate the Genvid SDK.


The GenvidSession object used in the project needs to be added here to be able to activate properly.
Genvid Session Manager inspector view

Genvid Session - Session management

The session manager of the prefab. This object needs to be placed on the scene and also added into the Genvid Session Manager object public property that has the Activate SDK selected. This object contains various properties that can be activated depending on your needs:

Video Stream

The GenvidVideo object used in the session needs to be added here to be able to activate properly.

Audio Stream

The GenvidAudio object used in the session needs to be added here to be able to activate properly.


The GenvidStreams object used in the session needs to be added here to be able to activate properly.


The GenvidEvents object used in the session needs to be added here to be able to activate properly.


The GenvidCommands object used in the session needs to be added here to be able to activate properly.
Genvid Session inspector view

Genvid Video - How to handle the video stream

This GenvidVideo prefab object is needed to be able to stream the video from your game. Only one GenvidVideo object is accepted per GenvidSession. This object contains various properties that need to be set to perform the capture in the way you prefer:

Stream Name

The name of the video stream. Make sure to use a unique name compared to the other streams used in your application.

Capture Type

The type of video capture to use. Options in the selectable list are: Automatic, Camera, and Texture.

  • Automatic performs a video capture using the dxswapchain.
  • Camera performs a video capture using the camera indicated in the Video Source property.
  • Texture performs a video capture via the Texture indicated in the Video Source property.

Video Source

This property is a private game object that will be used for the Camera and Texture video capture type . In the event you would need to modify in runtime for another camera or texture, you can use a command similar to this to perform this task:

GenvidSessionManager.Instance.Session.VideoStream.VideoSource = newVideoSource;
Genvid Video inspector view

Genvid Audio - How to handle the audio stream

This GenvidAudio prefab object is needed to be able to stream the audio from your game. Only one GenvidAudio object is accepted per GenvidSession. This object contains various properties that need to be set to perform the capture in the way you prefer:

Stream Name

The name of the audio stream. Make sure to use a unique name compared to the other streams used in your application.

Audio Format

The audio format to use for your capture. Options in the selectable list are: Unknown, S16LE, and F32LE. The Audio Format property is only used when using the Audio Mode Unity.

  • Unknown is not a supported type.
  • S16LE is for 16-bit audio.
  • F32LE is for 32-bit audio.

Audio Mode

Whether to perform audio capture and how. Options in the selectable list are: None, WASAPI, and Unity.

  • None doesn’t perform any audio capture, which can be useful for testing.
  • WASAPI captures audio from the machine running your application.
  • Unity captures audio using the AudioListener in the scene. This is the recommended mode
    for a Unity application with the Genvid SDK.
Genvid Audio inspector view

Genvid Streams - How to handle the data streams

This GenvidStreams prefab object is needed to be able to stream data from your game. You can have multiple data streams for the same GenvidStreams object. You need to modify the size of the Ids to have the number of data stream required for your application. Each element of this array contains several properties that can be modified:


The name of the data stream. Make sure to use a unique name compared to the other streams used in your application.


The rate at which the On Submit Stream function will be executed. When the framerate is set to 0, there is no limitation on sending the data and it will occur every frame.

On Submit Stream (String)

This is the function that will be executed according to the framerate selected. The String parameter received will always be the stream name. Afterwards, in the methods called, you are free to use which method is better to send your data:

  • SubmitAnnotation(object streamID, object data)
  • SubmitGameData(object streamID, object data)
  • SubmitNotification(object streamID, object data)

Each method needs the stream name that will receive the data and the data formatted into a class. Here’s an example on how we performed the submit data for the sample:

    public void SubmitGameData(string streamId)
        ProjView = m_sceneCamera[m_currentActiveCamera].projectionMatrix * m_sceneCamera[m_currentActiveCamera].worldToCameraMatrix;

        if (GenvidSessionManager.Instance.ActivateSDK)
            //Getting the cube information and send it into the game data stream
            var cubeDataArray = from c in m_Cubes select c.InfoData;
            CubesGameData gameData = new CubesGameData()
                cubes = cubeDataArray.ToArray(),
                MatProjView = ProjView,
                camera = m_cameraCounter,
                scene = m_changeSceneCounter

            GenvidSessionManager.Instance.Session.Streams.SubmitGameData(streamId, gameData);
Genvid Streams inspector view

Genvid Events - How to handle the events

This GenvidEvents prefab object is needed to trigger your callback when an event occurs on the website. You can have multiple events for the same GenvidEvents object. You need to modify the size of the Ids to have the number of events required for your application. Each element of this array contains several properties that can be modified:


The name of the event. Make sure to use a unique name compared to the other events used in your application.

On Event Triggered (String, EventResult[], Int32, IntPtr)

This is the function that will be executed when the event is triggered from the website. The String parameter will be the eventId, the EventResult[] will be a list of the results from the event, the Int32 will be the number of results available and IntPtr is a unique pointer related to the specific callback. Here’s an example on how we performed the color change for the sample:

    public void OnEventChangeColor(string eventId, GenvidSDK.EventResult[] results, int numResult, IntPtr userData)
        string cubeName = results[0].key.fields[0];
        var cube = m_Cubes.Find(o => o.name == cubeName);

        string cubeColor = results[0].key.fields[1];
        var color = m_NameToColors.Find(o => o.name == cubeColor);
        if (color != null)
            changeColorCube(cube, color);
            Debug.LogError("Can't change cube" + cubeName + " with color: " + cubeColor);
Genvid Events inspector view

Genvid Commands - How to handle the commands

This GenvidCommands prefab object is needed to trigger your callback when a command occurs on the website. You can have multiple commands for the same GenvidCommands object. You need to modify the size of the Ids to have the number of commands required for your application. Each element of this array contains several properties that can be modified:


This is the name of the command. Make sure to use a unique name compared to the other commands used in your application.

On Command Triggered (String, String, IntPtr)

This is the function that will be executed when the command is triggered from the website. The String parameter will be the commandId, the second String will be a list of the value of the command and the IntPtr is a unique pointer related to the specific callback. Here’s an example on how we performed the speed change for the sample:

    public void OnCommandDirection(string commandId, string value, IntPtr uniqueId)
        char delimiter = ':';
        string[] substrings = value.Split(delimiter);
        var cube = m_Cubes.Find(o => o.name == substrings[0]);
        if (cube != null)
            cube.ChangeDirection(int.Parse(substrings[1]), int.Parse(substrings[3]));
Genvid Commands inspector view