
Tutorial sample script

usage: tutorial.py [-h] [--loglevel {DEBUG,INFO,WARNING,ERROR}]
                   [-c CLUSTER_ID]
                   {env,build-cloud,unload,upload-images,build,load} ...

Positional Arguments

command Possible choices: env, build-cloud, unload, upload-images, build, load

Named Arguments


Possible choices: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR

Set the script log level

-c, --cluster_id
 The cluster id. Default local



Print environment variables

tutorial.py env [-h]


Build the specified target for the cloud

tutorial.py build-cloud [-h] [targets [targets ...]]

Positional Arguments

targets The targets to build


Unload the specified target definition in the cloud

tutorial.py unload [-h] [targets [targets ...]]

Positional Arguments

targets The targets to build


Upload tutorial images to the cloud

tutorial.py upload-images [-h] [-b BUCKET] [-p PATH] [-u]
                          [targets [targets ...]]

Positional Arguments

targets The targets to upload

Named Arguments

-b, --bucket Name of the bucket to use. Default is a combination of AWS account, bastion and cluster ids.
-p, --path

The path in the bucket (default: “/”).

Default: “/”

-u, --update-config

Upload configuration in the current cluster.

Default: False


Build the specified target

tutorial.py build [-h] [targets [targets ...]]

Positional Arguments

targets The targets to build


Load the specified target definition in the cloud

tutorial.py load [-h] [targets [targets ...]]

Positional Arguments

targets The targets to build