
The reduce system takes key:value pairs as input from the map operation. The input needs to meet certain conditions and the reduce produces a new set of key:value pairs. The reduce operation can be either min, max, count, sum or average. The output of the reduce operation consists in a summary of all the inputs that were processed.

For example, the following reduction counts the reactions by player:

  "id": "countByPlayerReaction",
  "where": {
    "key": ["players", "<playerId>", "reaction"],
    "name": "<reaction>"
  "key": ["reaction", "<playerId>", "<reaction>"],
  "values": ["$count"],
  "period": 250

The reduction output would look like this:

  {"key": ["reaction", "playerA", "like"], "value": {"count": 8}},
  {"key": ["reaction", "playerA", "love"], "value": {"count": 3}},
  {"key": ["reaction", "playerA", "sad"], "value": {"count": 5}},
  {"key": ["reaction", "playerA", "mad"], "value": {"count": 1}},
  {"key": ["reaction", "playerB", "like"], "value": {"count": 22}},
  {"key": ["reaction", "playerB", "love"], "value": {"count": 10}},
  {"key": ["reaction", "playerB", "sad"], "value": {"count": 1}},
  {"key": ["reaction", "playerB", "mad"], "value": {"count": 4}}

Reduce schema


Some string uniquely referencing the reduction rule, for possible modification after its creation.


Conditions to be met in order to produce another key:value pair. See Where schema for details.


The period in milliseconds. Determines the frequency of the reduction. A 250 ms period would means that the game would received the reduce 4 times per seconds.


An array of strings representing the new key produced.

Each string can be either:

  • Alphanumeric string: A plain literal value.
  • <anyText>: A named value taken from the input key.


An array of operations used to merge the inputs and generate the outputs. Each operation listed will produce one output.

Possible operations are:

  • $min: Returns the minimum value among all inputs.
  • $max: Returns the maximum value among all inputs.
  • $count: Returns the number of times the key was encountered.
  • $sum: Returns the sum of all input values added together.