
The map system takes key:value pairs as input and if they meet certain criteria, transforms them into some other key:value pairs and outputs them.

Take the following example:

  "id": "playersLike",
  "source": "viewers",
  "where": {
    "key": ["players", "<playerId>", "reaction"],
    "type": "string",
    "name": "<reaction>"
    "$in": ["like", "love", "laugh", "surprised", "sad", "mad"]
  "key": ["players", "<playerId>", "reaction"],
  "value": "<reaction>"

This mapping is forwarding the same key:value if the key meets a specific pattern and if the value is a string in the specified list.

Map schema


Some string uniquely referencing the map; useful for modifying the map after its creation.


The source indicating where the event originates from. For now, only “viewers” is supported, but “chat” and “logs” are also planned for a later release.


Conditions to be met in order to produce another key:value pair. See Where schema for details.


An array of strings representing the new key produced.

Each string can be either:

  • Alphanumeric string: A plain literal value.
  • <anyText>: A named value taken from the input key.


Specifies what value to assign the key to.

Values produced by the map can be either:

  • <anyText>: Uses a named value taken from the input key.
  • String: Uses a plain literal string value.
  • Number: Uses any numeric value.
  • Boolean: Uses a boolean value (true or false).