Where clause

The Where clauses of a Map or Reduce share the same specification, and allow to filter inputs in a manner similar to other query systems.

Where schema

Specifies the conditions for matching key:value pairs.

  • key: The array of strings.
    • <anyText>: Means any string is valid, but the result can be referenced later using this tag.
  • type: The string type.
  • name: The tag name of the value.
  • $in: The value must match one item in the array.
  • $search: The value must contain the search string.
  • $searchIn: The value must contain at least one of the listed strings.
  • $caseSensitive: Modifies a search to be case sensitive.
  • $eq: Equals.
  • $neq: Not Equals.
  • $gt: Greater Than.
  • $gte: Greater Than or Equal.
  • $lt: Less Than.
  • $lte: Less Than or Equal.
  • $or: Contains an array of where clauses, either of which must match in order for the current where clause to match.