Upgrade from 1.39.0 to 1.40.0

Deprecated BINDIR.

We deprecated BINDIR. The method genvid.toolbox.BaseTool.which now checks for GENVID_SDK_FOLDER/bin and GENVID_TOOLBOX_FOLDER/bin first. Other services now check directly in the folders.


ARTIFACTS_DIR has been deprecated. Use GENVID_SDK_FOLDER/images instead.

Added new genvid-sdk-select script.

The new Genvid Python Toolbox can work with different installations of the Genvid MILE SDK at the same time. However, you must specify which version of the Genvid MILE SDK you which to install. See Working with Multiple Installations of the Genvid MILE SDK for more information.


GENVID_SDK_FOLDER_GUARD_FILENAME has been moved from BaseTool to genvid.toolbox.sdk_folder.

Moved bastion-api and cluster-api specific configurations to bastion-services.

Files under GENVID_TOOLBOX_FOLDER/bastion-services/config were moved to GENVID_TOOLBOX_FOLDER/bastion-services/local. Files under GENVID_SDK_FOLDER/cloud-services/setup were moved to GENVID_TOOLBOX_FOLDER/bastion-services/cloud. Their respective template files were also moved to the templates subfolder.