Files Used to Run the Website

All the files indicated in this section are located inside the web/public root folder. The local server uses the files in the web/backend folder when starting the sample.


This is the main page for the website. The command genvid-sdk open web displays it. This document includes various JavaScript and CSS files.


This page is the admin section for the website. It contains several buttons that allow direct interaction with the game objects.

The admin page requires a username and password. The default user name is admin and the password is admin.


This is an icon for the webpage.

css folder

This folder contains icons.css and style.css. The cheer button requires icons.css while style.css defines all the other style options for index.html and admin.html.

img folder

This folder contains the images used for the website. The circle highlight made in WebGL, the Genvid logo, and the Genvid overlay-button all use images from the img folder.

js folder

This folder contains the JavaScript files for the frontend web.js and web-admin.js


This is a JavaScript file included in the index.html document. It performs all calls to the Genvid API and other interactions on the index page.


This is a JavaScript file included in the admin.html document. It does all the calls to the Genvid API and other interactions on the admin page.