Unreal Engine 4 Genvid Module


The Genvid Module is a standard UE4 module which developers can drop in their UE4 game and very quickly get started with Genvid technologies.

In a certain way, it is the high level parts of the GenvidPlugin. It provides a couple of predefined events and routines that can be used in Blueprint and/or into your C++ code.

It’s highly recommended to use the GenvidPlugin and the Genvid Module together for many reasons:

  • Dynamic load/unload of the Plugin.
  • Easy On/Off switch of the Plugin.
  • Automatic Audio/Video streaming.
  • Predefined events and callback
  • Blueprint script.


At this point, you have already copied the GenvidPlugin into your project. Now, you need now to copy the Genvid directory inside your game’s source code directory (e.g. UE4_PROJ_ROOT/MyGame/Source).

Once both directories are copied, you need to modify your game’s build script to use the plugin. This is done by simply adding the following line:


to your game’s build script (e.g. UE4_PROJ_ROOT/MyGame/Source/MyGame/MyGame.Build.cs).

Once that is done, rerun GenerateProjectFiles.bat, and you should have access to the Genvid module.


UE4 Genvid Module

This file is needed to integrate Genvid Module inside the Unreal Engine build process.

Public folder

Class defining standard Unreal Engine module interface of the Plugin.


Used for including genvid module classes definitions.


Implementation of the class events and streams accessible from C++ and Blueprint.


Utility class for JSON conversion.


Used for specifying a mirror of types from the Genvid Native SDK (genvid.h)


Class defining a specialization of AWorldSettings.

Private folder

Used for specifying optional precompiled headers for faster compiles.


Used for including genvid module classes definitions.


Implementation of the class events and streams accessible from c++ and Blueprint.


Utility class for JSON conversion.


Used for specifying a mirror of types from the Genvid Native SDK (genvid.h).


Class implementing a specialization of AWorldSettings.

class UGenvidStreamer

GenvidStreamer is the base class that allow you to create easily your own framework to manage streams, events and commands.

The events section is triggered automatically by AGenvidWorldSettings. The callback sections is automatically triggered by UGenvidStreamer. And the properties are the data settings used by UGenvidStreamer.


virtual void BeginPlay()

Acted as a superset of the AActor BeginPlay. It’s the first function called by AGenvidWorldSettings.

void Tick(float deltaTime)

Acted as a superset of a tickable UObject. It’s called as long as the object is alive and it depends directly of StreamingTickInterval for the time interval.

virtual void EndPlay(const EEndPlayReason::Type EndPlayReason)

Acted as a superset of the AActor EndPlay. It’s the last function called by AGenvidWorldSettings.

virtual void HandleMatchHasStarted()

Triggered when entering into a match. It’s called after BeginPlay() and just before the match has started.

virtual void HandleMatchHasEnded()

Triggered when exiting a match. (Actors are still ticking). It’s called juster before EndPlay() when the match has ended.


void OnGenvidEventCallback(const FString &EventId, const FGenvidEventSummary &summary)

Triggered at any time when an event is sent from the server.

void OnGenvidCommandCallback(const FString &CommandId, const FString &fullCommand)

Triggered at any time when a command is sent from the server.


TArray<FString> StreamsToCreate

Array of stream ids that contains all the streams you want to create.

TArray<FString> EventsToSubscribe

Array of event ids that contains all the events you want to subscribe.

TArray<FString> CommandsToSubscribe

Array of command ids that contains all the command you want to subscribe.

bool bIsStreaming

Readonly Variable to notify is the streaming is currently running.

float StreamingTickInterval

Set the time interval of the ticking function.

bool bCompressJsonString

Compress the data of your structure, From JSON to ZIP.

class AGenvidWorldSettings : public AWorldSettings

The class is a superset of AWorldSettings. The goal of this class is to split streams in two parts.

The first part is to manage automatically the cycle life of the audio/video stream. The second part is to manage customs stream/events/commands of UGenvidStreamer objects.

Before any UGenvidStreamer objects was called, AGenvidWorldSettings calls automatically Startup(). When the match has ended, AGenvidWorldSettings calls automatically Shutdown().

To modify the properties you can access them in the “World Settings” window of the editor.

../_images/World_Settings_Menu.gif ../_images/World_Settings.gif


bool Startup()

The function load dynamically the Genvid module and prepare the audio/video streams.

bool Shutdown()

The function stop all audio and video capture and unload the Genvid module.


bool Enabled

Enable or disable the Genvid SDK.

TArray<TSubclassOf<UGenvidStreamer>> Streamer

Container used to execute a blueprint script.

More than one script can be used at the same time.

bool bIsStreaming

Read-only variable to check if the audio/video streams are actually running.