Genvid Plugin for Unreal Editor

The Genvid Plugin for Unreal Editor lets you easily test the Genvid MILE SDK integration in the Unreal Editor.


To run the tool, click on the Genvid item from the Menu or Toolbar.

../../../_images/ue4_GenvidMenu.png ../../../_images/ue4_GenvidToolbar.png

This opens a window containing the Genvid tool tab.



The Genvid tab is divided into several subsections:

List of all the created clusters (local and cloud). Select a cluster to populate the job and links section.
List all jobs corresponding to the selected cluster. Click the button to start or stop a job. (Green = Started, Red = Stopped)
List all links corresponding to the selected cluster. Click to open a URL link.
SDK Health Check
Give a summary of the game HealthState. Only appears if the game is running.
A link to access all the logs listed in the cluster UI.
List all the Genvid settings (Stream information, Network Time Procol, Encoding, Services). Select an item to modify its value.

Play Modes

The Genvid Plugin is compatible with all the play modes except for the VR preview mode.


When the time comes to test your application, make sure to activate all the necessary services before playing your game.

See the details section to activate the services.