Website Main Dependencies

Here is a quick description of the main dependencies used in this web project:

“genvid”: “file:public/lib/genvid.es5.js”:
This is the package containing the connection, video player instantiation, and data/video synchronization logic.
“genvid-math”: “file:public/lib/genvid-math.es5.js”:
This is the package exposing useful geometry function used for the WebGL overlay.
“express”: “^4.17.1”:
This is the Express server lib used for the backend server.
“consul”: “^0.34.1”:
This is the Consul API for Node js.
“bootstrap”: “3.3.7”:
Bootstrap is a popular framework for responsive projects on the web.
“jquery”: “1.12.4”:
jQuery is a useful DOM operation frontend library. It is required only for Bootstrap 3.