

This module has been deprecated. Although the code is still working for our oldest model, it is not expected to work with the new Bastion API. Please use the new genvid-sdk tool.

class genvid.toolbox.EventsTool(use_wan=False, **kwargs)

Bases: genvid.toolbox.config.ConfigTool

Tool that manages events configuration.

Deprecated since version 1.33.0: Deprecated in favor of ClusterAPI() events defs methods.

MAP_REDUCES = 'genvid/events/mapreduce/'

The key prefix for all map-reduce definitions.

update_map_reduce(name, mrdef)

Update a map-reduce definition.


Get all map-reduce definitions available.


Transform the map object produced by map “<id>” {} hcl syntax into the expected { “maps” : [ { “id”: … ] } object for events.

load_map_reduce(name, path)

Load a map-reduce from a file.

If the file ends with .hcl, use the HCL format for map-reduce. Otherwise, consider it a JSON file.


Print the list of map-reduce configured on stdout.


Add the events commands to the parser.

Run from add_commands() to add the events commands to the parser.

run_events_command(command, options)

Detect if the command is an events command and execute it.

Call from run_command() to handle events commands. Events commands are added with the help of add_events_commands().


handled, result: A tuple with a boolean saying if the
command were handled and it’s result if it was.
class config.EventsTool

Implementation of genvid.toolbox.EventsTool