Genvid Session

The GenvidSession prefab object defines the various streams included in a broadcast session. You need to place this object in the scene and add it into the Genvid Session Manager object public-property that has the Activate SDK selected. This object contains properties you that can be activated depending on your needs:

Genvid Session inspector view
Video Stream
The GenvidVideo object used in the session needs to be added here to be able to activate properly.
Audio Stream
The GenvidAudio object used in the session needs to be added here to be able to activate properly.
The GenvidStreams object used in the session needs to be added here to be able to activate properly.
The GenvidEvents object used in the session needs to be added here to be able to activate properly.
The GenvidCommands object used in the session needs to be added here to be able to activate properly.

The GenvidSession prefab also contains the following notification callbacks:

  • SubmitNotification(object notificationID, object data)
  • SubmitNotificationJSON(object notificationID, object data)

The ability to submit notifications has been moved to the GenvidSession prefab from the Streams prefab given that the submission is not done over a stream.