Command and notification service API

The Command service provides an HTTP API for third-party applications, letting your website send commands to the game.

We require a security token for endpoints sending commands directly to the game.

This API also provides an endpoint allowing you to send notifications directly to the web-clients


POST /notifications

Notifications are sent ASAP. They are not synced to the stream. Notifications sent from this endpoint will have a sessionid set to ‘web’.

Request Headers:
  • secret – Security token required to send requests to the service.
Request JSON Object:
  • notifications[] (object) – list of notification objects
  • notifications[].id (string) – The notification identifier.
  • notifications[].data (string) – The payload of the notification encoded in base 64.

Example query:

  "notifications": [
      "id": "",
      "data": ""


POST /commands/game

A command is composed of a key-value pair. The game uses the key to identify the type of command. The value is a string that your game can parse.

Request Headers:
  • secret – Security token required to send requests to the service.
Request JSON Object:
  • key (string) – The ID the game uses to recognize the type of command.
  • value (string) – The value the game parses into a command.

Example query:

  "key": "",
  "value": ""