
class genvid.toolbox.DockerTool


Handle manipulation of a Docker image archive.

RE_IMAGE_IMAGEID = re.compile('(?P<image>.+)_(?P<version>[^_]*)_(?P<imageid>[0-9a-f]{12})\\.(?P<archfmt>[^.]*)')

Decompose an image filename into <image>_<version>_<id>.<archfmt>

RE_SUCCESSFUL_BUILD = re.compile('(Successfully built |sha256:)([0-9a-f]+)')

Docker build success-message regular expression.

RE_DIRTY_VERSION = re.compile('^(latest|dev|.*[.+]dirty|\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+\\.0)$')

Regex to determine if an image version is dirty.

Dirty versions are those whose build number is 0.

Changed in version 1.20.0: Updated the regex to follow the new convention for dirty builds introduced in the new release model.

IMAGE_TEMPLATE = '{image}_{version}_{imageid}.{archfmt}'

Template of an image filename. Must match RE_IMAGE_IMAGEID.


A mirror of DOCKER_MACHINE_NAME, giving the name of the Docker machine.


A Docker client.


Set up the Docker environment using Docker machine.

Changed in version 1.20.1: DOCKER_MACHINE_NAME no longer default to default. If not set, the environment will not be changed.

build_docker(tag, path=None, rm=True, forcerm=True, **kwargs)

Build a Docker image.

Returns the image build.

static version_to_imagetag(image, version)

Return a tag suitable for Docker.

get_images_config_from_folder(baseurl, basedir: typing.Union[pathlib.Path, str, NoneType] = None)

Returns the configuration for all images under basedir.

  • baseurl – The baseurl for all images.
  • basedir – The folder under which the images are found.

Changed in version 1.20.0: * Renamed from get_images_config to avoid conflict with the genvid.toolbox.SDK.get_images_config(). * Added basedir parameter.

update_image(image: str, version: str = 'latest', clean: bool = False, compress: bool = False, basedir: typing.Union[pathlib.Path, str, NoneType] = None)

Update the image archive.

  • image – The name of the image.
  • version – The version of the image.
  • clean – If True, old images will be removed.
  • compress – If True, the image will be compressed.
  • basedir – The folder under which the image is saved. Default to ARTIFACTS_DIR.

Changed in version 1.12.0: Added the compress parameter.

Changed in version 1.20.0: Added the basedir parameter.

get_image_path(image, version, imageid, archfmt='docker', basedir: typing.Union[pathlib.Path, str, NoneType] = None) → str

Return the path for the specified image.

Parameters:basedir – The base path of the images. Default to ARTIFACTS_DIR.

Changed in version 1.20.0: Added the basedir parameter.

get_image_filename(image, version, imageid, archfmt='docker') → str

Return the filename for the specified image.

New in version 1.20.0.

get_images(basedir: typing.Union[pathlib.Path, str, NoneType] = None)

Generate a list of images under the artifacts_dir that match RE_IMAGE_IMAGEID.

Parameters:basedir – Directory where to find the images. Default to ARTIFACTS_DIR.
Returns:a generated list of tuples containing the image, version, imageid and archfmt.

Changed in version 1.20.0:: Added parameter basedir.

get_latest_images(basedir: typing.Union[pathlib.Path, str, NoneType] = None)

Retun a dictionary of all the latest images in basedir.

Parameters:basedir – Directory where to find the images. Default to ARTIFACTS_DIR.
Returns:dictionary of tuple of version, imageid and archfmt keyed with the image name.

Changed in version 1.20.0:: Added parameter basedir.

class docker.DockerTool

Implementation of genvid.toolbox.DockerTool