
Manage multiple clusters through bastion-api

usage: genvid-clusters [-h] [--loglevel {DEBUG,INFO,WARNING,ERROR}]
                       [--logformat LOGFORMAT]

Positional Arguments

command Possible choices: repository-update-all, backend-remove, terraform-get, global-tfvars-show, global-show, repository-clean, repository-list, repository-remove, cluster-create, global-update, terraform-apply-plan, terraform-output, module-list, terraform-tfvars-default, repository-add, terraform-tfvars-show, cluster-delete, terraform-apply, cluster-show, terraform-import-module, commands-list, terraform-schema, cluster-list, terraform-tfvars-update, repository-update, terraform-plan, backend-list, global-tfvars-update, terraform-destroy, commands-latest, commands-log, terraform-init, backend-add, backend-update, terraform-refresh, terraform-status, module-get

Named Arguments


Possible choices: DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR

Set the script log level

--logformat Set the script log format



Update all repositories.

genvid-clusters repository-update-all [-h]


Remove a backend

genvid-clusters backend-remove [-h] backend_id

Positional Arguments

backend_id The backend id


Execute terraform get on a cluster.

genvid-clusters terraform-get [-h] [-c CLUSTERS] [-g]

Named Arguments

-c, --clusters The cluster id.
-g, --globalcontext

Global operation.

Default: False


Show the content of the global terraform.tfvars.json file.

genvid-clusters global-tfvars-show [-h]


Show the global config.

genvid-clusters global-show [-h]


Remove all repositories.

genvid-clusters repository-clean [-h]


Return the list of repositories.

genvid-clusters repository-list [-h]


Remove a repository.

genvid-clusters repository-remove [-h] repository

Positional Arguments

repository The name of the repository


Create a cluster.

genvid-clusters cluster-create [-h] [-b BACKEND]
                               [-v [VARIABLE [VARIABLE ...]]] [-c CATEGORY]

Positional Arguments

cluster_id The cluster id.

Named Arguments

-b, --backend

The backend id to use.

Default: “default”

-v, --variable A backend variable in the form <name>=<value>
-c, --category

The category of the cluster

Default: “cluster”


Update the global config.

genvid-clusters global-update [-h] bastion_id

Positional Arguments

bastion_id The bastion id.


Execute terraform Apply a plan on a cluster.

genvid-clusters terraform-apply-plan [-h] [-c CLUSTERS] [-g] [-s] [-p PLANS]

Named Arguments

-c, --clusters The cluster id.
-g, --globalcontext

Global operation.

Default: False

-s, --silent

Do not print the logs.

Default: False

-p, --plans The plan file to execute (same order as the clusters).


Execute terraform output on a cluster.

genvid-clusters terraform-output [-h] [-c CLUSTERS] [-g]

Named Arguments

-c, --clusters The cluster id.
-g, --globalcontext

Global operation.

Default: False


Return the list of modules.

genvid-clusters module-list [-h] [-p PREFIX] [-j]

Named Arguments

-p, --prefix

The prefix to filter the modules.

Default: “”

-j, --as-json

Format the output as json

Default: False


Show a generated terraform.tfvars file.

genvid-clusters terraform-tfvars-default [-h] [-c CLUSTERS] [-g]

Named Arguments

-c, --clusters The cluster id.
-g, --globalcontext

Global operation.

Default: False


Add a new repository.

genvid-clusters repository-add [-h] [-u URL] repository

Positional Arguments

repository The name of the repository

Named Arguments

-u, --url The URL of the source repository. Only mandatory if no url were set before.


Show the content of the terraform.tfvars file.

genvid-clusters terraform-tfvars-show [-h] [-c CLUSTERS] [-g]

Named Arguments

-c, --clusters The cluster id.
-g, --globalcontext

Global operation.

Default: False


Delete a cluster.

genvid-clusters cluster-delete [-h] [-f] cluster_id

Positional Arguments

cluster_id The cluster id.

Named Arguments

-f, --force

Force the operation even if the cluster is in an invalid state.

Default: False


Execute terraform apply on a cluster.

genvid-clusters terraform-apply [-h] [-c CLUSTERS] [-g] [-s]

Named Arguments

-c, --clusters The cluster id.
-g, --globalcontext

Global operation.

Default: False

-s, --silent

Do not print the logs.

Default: False


Show a cluster information.

genvid-clusters cluster-show [-h] cluster_id

Positional Arguments

cluster_id The cluster id.


Import a module and execute terraform init on a cluster.

genvid-clusters terraform-import-module [-h] [-c CLUSTERS] [-g] [-f]

Positional Arguments


The module path.

Default: “SDK-1.19.5/cluster/default”

Named Arguments

-c, --clusters The cluster id.
-g, --globalcontext

Global operation.

Default: False

-f, --force

Force the operation even if the cluster is in an invalid state.

Default: False


Show the list of commands.

genvid-clusters commands-list [-h] [-c CLUSTERS] [-g]

Named Arguments

-c, --clusters The cluster id.
-g, --globalcontext

Global operation.

Default: False


Get the terraform OpenAPI schema for the cluster’s variables.

genvid-clusters terraform-schema [-h] [-c CLUSTERS] [-g]

Named Arguments

-c, --clusters The cluster id.
-g, --globalcontext

Global operation.

Default: False


Print the list of cluster.

genvid-clusters cluster-list [-h]


Update the content of the terraform.tfvars file.

genvid-clusters terraform-tfvars-update [-h] [-c CLUSTERS] [-g] tffile

Positional Arguments

tffile The source tfvars file.

Named Arguments

-c, --clusters The cluster id.
-g, --globalcontext

Global operation.

Default: False


Update a repository.

genvid-clusters repository-update [-h] [-u URL] repository

Positional Arguments

repository The name of the repository

Named Arguments

-u, --url The URL of the source repository. Only mandatory if no url were set before.


Execute terraform plan on a cluster.

genvid-clusters terraform-plan [-h] [-c CLUSTERS] [-g] [-s] [-d]

Named Arguments

-c, --clusters The cluster id.
-g, --globalcontext

Global operation.

Default: False

-s, --silent

Do not print the logs.

Default: False

-d, --destroy

Execute a destroy plan.

Default: False


List the backends available

genvid-clusters backend-list [-h]


Update the global tfvars file.

genvid-clusters global-tfvars-update [-h] tffile

Positional Arguments

tffile The source tfvars file.


Execute terraform destroy on a cluster.

genvid-clusters terraform-destroy [-h] [-c CLUSTERS] [-g] [-s]

Named Arguments

-c, --clusters The cluster id.
-g, --globalcontext

Global operation.

Default: False

-s, --silent

Do not print the logs.

Default: False


Show the current of latest log.

genvid-clusters commands-latest [-h] [-c CLUSTERS] [-g]

Named Arguments

-c, --clusters The cluster id.
-g, --globalcontext

Global operation.

Default: False


Show a command log.

genvid-clusters commands-log [-h] [-c CLUSTERS] [-g] command_id

Positional Arguments

command_id The command id.

Named Arguments

-c, --clusters The cluster id.
-g, --globalcontext

Global operation.

Default: False


Execute terraform init on a cluster.

genvid-clusters terraform-init [-h] [-c CLUSTERS] [-g] [-s] [-f] [--all]

Named Arguments

-c, --clusters The cluster id.
-g, --globalcontext

Global operation.

Default: False

-s, --silent

Do not print the logs.

Default: False

-f, --force

Force the operation even if the cluster is in an invalid state.

Default: False


Do it on all clusters

Default: False


Add a new backend

genvid-clusters backend-add [-h] backend_id config

Positional Arguments

backend_id The backend id
config A configuration file, in JSON or HCL format.


Update the backend

genvid-clusters backend-update [-h] backend_id config

Positional Arguments

backend_id The backend id
config A configuration file, in JSON or HCL format.


Execute terraform refresh on a cluster.

genvid-clusters terraform-refresh [-h] [-c CLUSTERS] [-g] [-s]

Named Arguments

-c, --clusters The cluster id.
-g, --globalcontext

Global operation.

Default: False

-s, --silent

Do not print the logs.

Default: False


Retrieve the status of the cluster.

genvid-clusters terraform-status [-h] [-c CLUSTERS] [-g]

Named Arguments

-c, --clusters The cluster id.
-g, --globalcontext

Global operation.

Default: False


Return a module definition.

genvid-clusters module-get [-h] [-j] moduleId

Positional Arguments

moduleId The module id.

Named Arguments

-j, --as-json

Format the output as json

Default: False